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为了应对西南地区频发的季节性干旱,提高旱作农田水分利用效率和作物光能利用效率,设置大田试验,研究不同覆盖材料(普通白膜、普通黑膜、生物降解膜和不覆膜)和不同垄沟比(40 cm∶40 cm和40 cm∶80 cm)对土壤贮水量和油菜光合特性、荧光参数、叶绿素相对含量(SPAD)的影响。结果表明: 油菜生育期不同覆盖材料下的土壤贮水量为:普通黑膜垄作(BR)≈普通白膜垄作(WR)≈生物降解膜垄作(BDR)>不覆膜垄作(NR)>平作(FP);在同一覆盖材料下,垄沟比对土壤贮水量无显著影响。与平作相比,垄沟集雨处理的净光合速率、气孔导度、最大荧光、可变荧光、PSⅡ最大光化学量子产量、PSⅡ潜在活性、光化学猝灭系数和非光化学猝灭系数均有所提高;与平作相比,WR、BR、BDR和NR处理的SPAD值分别提高6.1%、8.6%、8.5%和3.6%,瞬时水分利用效率分别提高18.3%、11.4%、16.3%和10.4%。相比于平作,BR、WR和BDR处理可显著增加油菜产量,NR处理增产不显著,普通黑膜垄作+垄沟比40 cm∶40 cm处理的经济效益最高。可见,垄沟集雨种植可以改善西南旱地油菜田土壤水分,增强油菜叶片光合能力,提高油菜产量,增加农民收入。  相似文献   
内蒙古自治区干旱脆弱性评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
干旱带来的环境影响及经济损失,阻碍了地区的可持续发展。开展干旱脆弱性评价是合理制定区域规划与管理措施的前提条件。然而,国内目前鲜有以省或自治区为研究区域,以市级行政区域为尺度的自然-社会-经济耦合的干旱脆弱性研究。根据IPCC提出的干旱脆弱性评价模型,选取19个指标,在3个维度上(暴露度、敏感度和适应能力)对内蒙古自治区的12个盟市开展了干旱脆弱性评价。采用熵值法确定各指标权重,并用综合指数法和系统分类法计算干旱脆弱性指数并进行分类。研究结果表明,内蒙古自治区的干旱脆弱性呈现由东向西递减的趋势,与干旱脆弱性相关性最强的三个指标分别是第一产业GDP比例、人均可支配收入和第一产业从业人员比例。导致盟市干旱脆弱性的主要贡献因素为人口与人力因素和生态与水资源因素。减缓内蒙古自治区干旱脆弱性可以从加强草原保护建设和管理,合理规划盟市建设,减少人口的集中分布,调整产业结构,提供更多的非农牧就业岗位,加强职业技能培训,完善金融服务和医疗服务等方面入手,从而促进干旱区自然生态和社会经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   
该研究选取六个多年生苦荞新品系,对春季、秋季直播与秋季再生其主要农艺性状进行调查。结果表明:(1)不同播种季节对多年生苦荞新品系主花序的花粉可育率、总结实率、有效结实率、植株株高、主茎粗、主茎分枝数、主茎节数、籽粒百粒重、单株粒数、单株产量的影响均达到显著或极显著水平;秋播主花序花粉可育率、总结实率、有效结实率、植株主茎分枝数、籽粒百粒重、单株粒数、单株产量均极显著高于春播;植株株高、主茎粗、主茎节数均极显著低于春播;主花序花朵大小、籽粒种子长宽比无显著差异。(2)不同种植方式对主花序花粉可育率、有效结实率、植株主茎节数及籽粒百粒重的影响达到显著或极显著水平;秋季再生主花序花粉可育率、籽粒单株粒数显著高于秋季直播;主花序有效结实率、植株主茎粗、主茎节数、籽粒百粒重显著低于秋季直播;主花序花朵大小、总结实率、植株株高、主茎分枝数、籽粒种子长宽比、单株产量无显著差异;相关分析表明,各生长季节下主花序有效结实率及单株粒数与单株产量的相关系数均最高。(3)所有参试品系中,1612-241秋季直播的单株产量显著高于其他品系; 1612-16、1612-33秋季再生单株产量较正季优势显著。该研究结果有助于筛选出适宜一季播种两季收获的优良品系,为今后多年生苦荞的选择育种提供线索基础。  相似文献   
种群数量是物种的重要生态学基础资料,合适的密度调查方法是数量估算的基础。2016年4-5月,采用广泛应用于鸡形目Galliformes鸟类种群密度调查的样线法和样点法,调查了四川黑竹沟国家级自然保护区3种鸡形目鸟类(白腹锦鸡Chrysolophus amherstiae、红腹角雉Tragopan temminckii和血雉Ithaginis cruentus)的种群密度。样线法和样点法估算的雄体密度分别是:白腹锦鸡1.20只/km^2和(6.31±0.98)只/km^2,红腹角雉5.41只/km^2和(0.39±0.17)只/km^2,血雉3.01只/km^2和(5.97±2.70)只/km^2。除红腹角雉外,样点法估算的白腹锦鸡、血雉种群密度均大于样线法。建议针对不同鸡形目鸟类采用不同的调查方法,并尽量扩大样本数量,从而提高调查结果的准确性。  相似文献   
虽然,美国已有关于幽门螺杆菌(Helicobacter pylori,H.pylori)检测和治疗的指南,但对患者进行治疗前后H.pylori检测的建议通常没有得到遵循。来自美国不同地区研究成人和儿童H.pylori感染处理的11名专家参加了"休斯敦共识会议",并在会议中讨论诊断H.pylori感染的关键因素:确定目标人群进行H.pylori检测;抗生素药物敏感性对检测和治疗的影响;确认H.pylori感染和确认根除治疗结果的合适方法。专家被分为多组,采用改良的Delphi小组讨论法来评定需行H.pylori检测的目标人群,抗生素药物敏感性检测方法和治疗方法、根除治疗后的结果确认及相关检测方法。证据质量和建议强度均采用GRADE系统进行评估。各工作小组的结果将提交给所有小组成员进行最后的共识表决。在专家共识会议之后,这些结论将提交给一个独立的胃肠病学专家小组进行验证,并对会议中提出的29项声明进行认同程度评估。最后的建议是基于现有最佳证据提出,并提供带参考文献的共识声明,以便在全美各地的医疗保健体系中实施。  相似文献   
The aim of this paper is to accurately identify a case of B para-Bombay and to analyze the genetic mutation. ABO and Lewis blood groups were identified by standard serological methods, and trace antigens on RBCs were detected by adsorption-elution test, while blood group substances in the saliva were detected by agglutination inhibition test. The ABO gene exons 6-7, FUT1 gene exon 4 and FUT2 gene exon 2 were directly sequenced. Serological results showed that there were B antigens on RBCs without H antigens, anti-A and anti-HI antibodies in serum, and B and H blood group substances in the saliva. The Lewis phenotype was Le (a-b+). According to gene sequencing analysis, ABO, FUT1 and FUT2 genotypes were B101/O02, h328G/Ah328G/A and Se357C/TSe357C/T, respectively. This rare phenotype can be mislabeled as "O" if any of the detailed investigations are not performed. Therefore, in order to ensure the safety of blood transfusion, genetic and serological tests are necessary for the correct identification of difficult blood groups.  相似文献   
Prolonged neuroinflammation is a driving force for neurodegenerative disease, and agents against inflammatory responses are regarded as potential treatment strategies. Here we aimed to evaluate the prevention effects on gliosis by dexamethasone (DEX), an anti-inflammation drug. We used DEX to treat the nicastrin conditional knockout (cKO) mouse, a neurodegenerative mouse model. DEX (10 mg/kg) was given to 2.5-month-old nicastrin cKO mice, which have not started to display neurodegeneration and gliosis, for 2 months. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) and Western blotting techniques were used to detect changes in neuroinflammatory responses. We found that activation of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) positive or ionized calcium binding adapter molecule1 (Iba1) positive cells was not inhibited in nicastrin cKO mice treated with DEX as compared to those treated with saline. These data suggest that DEX does not prevent or ameliorate gliosis in a neurodegenerative mouse model when given prior to neuronal or synaptic loss.  相似文献   
【背景】产肠毒素大肠杆菌(Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli,ETEC)是导致仔猪腹泻的主要致病菌之一,黄芩苷铝对ETEC诱导的仔猪腹泻具有良好的治疗效果,但作用机制尚不明了。【目的】筛选出黄芩苷铝胁迫下ETEC中表达水平最为稳定的内参基因。【方法】采用qPCR技术测定了12个内参基因16S rRNA、mdh、recA、gapA、gyrA、gyrB、rpoA、rpoB、mdoG、dnaG、secA和fusA在不同浓度(250、500和1 000μg/mL)黄芩苷铝胁迫下培养不同时间后(4.5 h和6 h)的表达水平,并采用比较Ct值法、geNorm、BestKeeper和NormFinder软件4种方法对12个候选内参基因的表达稳定性进行评估。【结果】rpoA表达丰度适中,并在多个分析方法中表达最稳定。【结论】确定了rpoA为ETEC qPCR的最佳内参基因,此研究为后续利用qPCR法研究黄芩苷铝胁迫ETEC后目的基因功能的表达奠定了基础。  相似文献   
Antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs) have emerged as a new class of drugs to treat a wide range of diseases, including neurological indications. Spinraza, an ASO that modulates splicing of SMN2 RNA, has shown profound disease modifying effects in Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) patients, energizing efforts to develop ASOs for other neurological diseases. While SMA specifically affects spinal motor neurons, other neurological diseases affect different central nervous system (CNS) regions, neuronal and non-neuronal cells. Therefore, it is important to characterize ASO distribution and activity in all major CNS structures and cell types to have a better understanding of which neurological diseases are amenable to ASO therapy. Here we present for the first time the atlas of ASO distribution and activity in the CNS of mice, rats, and non-human primates (NHP), species commonly used in preclinical therapeutic development. Following central administration of an ASO to rodents, we observe widespread distribution and target RNA reduction throughout the CNS in neurons, oligodendrocytes, astrocytes and microglia. This is also the case in NHP, despite a larger CNS volume and more complex neuroarchitecture. Our results demonstrate that ASO drugs are well suited for treating a wide range of neurological diseases for which no effective treatments are available.  相似文献   
Neurochemical Research - Acrylamide (ACR) is an environmental pollutant with well-demonstrated neurotoxic and neurodegenerative effects in both humans and experimental animals. The present study...  相似文献   
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